React is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for creating fast and scalable web applications. It essentially lets developers create beautiful and interactive UIs (User Interfaces) for their apps using small, standalone pieces of code called React components. A good thing about these components is that they are modular and reusable. This means you can use the same components in different apps to speed up the development process. Another liked feature of React is virtual DOM, which helps with fast rendering. Additionally, React can be conveniently used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks. As a result, many developers today use a React UI framework or React UI component library to accelerate the web development process further and quickly create highly functional, complex UI. Today, there are several React UI component libraries and frameworks offering different custom React components, such as buttons, charts, lists, maps, etc. One essential component that developers need for their React apps, especially enterprise-grade web applications, is a React Grid. However, many React grids are difficult to use and cannot handle big data efficiently. In this article, we’ll show you the best React UI framework that offers the most efficient React grid for your apps.
Why Use A React UI Framework?
Developing web apps involves several challenging tasks, such as creating complex data-dense interfaces. And making all the components of your UI from your scratch can be time-consuming. You also have to ensure that your app’s UI is designed for different screen sizes, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. A React UI component framework comes with pre-built and production-ready components, such as grids, tables, charts, buttons, lists, etc. These custom components are easy to integrate into your React apps and improve the developer experience. Depending on the type of framework, you can even customize components according to your design system. The best React UI framework allows you to create beautiful and function UIs for multiple devices quickly.
What Is A React Grid, And Why Should You Use One?
React Grid is essentially a high-performance React component that allows you to display data in an organized tabular format. Data Grids have become essential for any data-driven app, such as enterprise-level apps. A React grid renders data in columns and rows and allows users to interact with data in several ways. For example, some grids allow users to arrange rows and columns using the drag-and-drop functionality. Similarly, users can expand rows for a detailed view. A good React grid component should be super fast and can process big data in a few seconds. It should offer features like filtering, custom sorting, data binding, grouping, etc. Additionally, it should work seamlessly on several devices, such as desktops, laptops, and smartphones. However, most React grids available today are slow and can’t handle massive amounts of records. That said, powerful React UI components frameworks like BestReactGrid offer all the features one would want in a data grid.
What Is The Best React UI Framework For Adding A Powerful React Grid To Your Apps?
If you’re looking for a robust, enterprise-grade pre-built React grid solution, the BestReactGrid is definitely the right choice. The BestReactGrid has 100+ advanced grid features like grouping, filtering, scrolling, row expander, and many more. It’s developed by the same highly-experienced developers working in Sencha using modern JavaScript and an advanced architecture for ease of use and optimal performance. As a result, BestReactGrid offers unlimited grid speed and scalability. Additionally, The BestReactGrid can be integrated with React super quickly and easily.
What Are The Key Features Of The BestReactGrid?
The BestReactGrid React UI framework offers over 100 advanced and useful grid features. Here, we’ll discuss the key features:
Data Rows Management
The BestReactGrid provides several options for row management:
- You can use the Row Body Expander to add an expander column to your grid. This allows users to show or hide the body of each row.
- Users can choose to show or hide row numbers in the grid as well as row lines between the items.
- You can specify a custom height for each row.
Column Management
- You can render columns with different data types, such as string, decimal, float, boolean, checkbox, percentage, data, and more.
- Users can select the alignment of the columns (left, right, and center.)
- You can choose to show or hide column lines in the grid.
- The BestReactGrid even allows you to display some columns as locked.
- Columns can also be nested, allowing you to set up headers that span the columns below.
- You can also enable the selection of columns, which means when you click on a particular column header, all the corresponding cells will be highlighted.
With BestReactGrid, you can easily arrange rows and columns using the drag-and-drop functionality.
Infinite And Scrollable Grids
With the BestReactGrid React UI framework, you can also create infinite and scrollable grids. When you create an infinite grid, only a specific number of rows are rendered depending on the height of the list. However, when you scroll the grid, the DOM data will be replaced with the remaining data. The infinite grid can efficiently handle massive amounts of data.
The BestReactGrid supports both row and column data grouping. For example, you can group similar values of data in rows based on the groupField value. This is a very useful feature as it allows you to analyze data quickly and easily.
Filtering And Sorting
The BestReactGrid also allows you to filter and sort data in the grid. For example, you can filter the grid by adding a search filter to the drop-down menu of each column. You can also sort the items in ascending or descending order.
Tree Grid
When you want to display and organize hierarchical data in a grid, you can use the tree grid. The tree grid also supports grouping, filtering, and sorting.
Responsive Layout
Responsive elements are an essential feature of modern web apps. With BestReactGrid, you can easily build responsive layouts with grids.
Detailed Documentation
The BestReactGrid comes with thorough documentation consisting of details about all the available features, options, events, and properties. It also consists of several live examples.
A React UI library or React framework allows developers to create React app quickly and easily using pre-built primitive UI components or building blocks. React UI components libraries essentially provide multiple components, such as buttons, cards, lists, menus, etc., that developers can instantly integrate into their apps. However, many React UI libraries don’t offer a reliable React data grid that can handle big data efficiently. If you’re looking for a robust, high-performance React data grid solution for your apps, BestReactGrid is what you need. The BestReactGrid is capable of handling massive amounts of data efficiently and offers unlimited grid speed. Additionally, it comes with 100+ advanced data grid features, including filtering, grouping, sorting, row expansion, and many more.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Is the purpose of a React UI components library?
A React UI framework provides ready-to-use design elements or UI components, such as buttons, grids, tables, menus, toolbars, etc., for your React apps. As a result, React UI component libraries accelerate the app development process.
What is the best React UI component Framework?
When it comes to React data grid, the BestReactGrid is definitely the best React UI framework. The best ReactGrid offers unlimited speed and scalability and over 100 advanced data grid features. It also has detailed documentation explaining all the features, properties, and events.
What are some examples of React components frameworks?
Some examples of React component frameworks include Google’s material design, material UI, Blueprint UI, Semantic UI React, and React bootstrap. Sign up for BestReactGrid today and try its amazing features for free!
Sidra is an experienced technical writer with a strong interest in web development.